Wednesday, August 15, 2007


1. What school will you be attending?:

2. What grade will you be going to?:

3. Are you looking forward to this new school year?:

4. If so, Why?:
you get to do cool things in grade 12, and also, there's no one else to look down on you.

5. What are you NOT looking forward to this year?
all the responsibilities we have to take on because we are gr 12's, and grad

6. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend do you think you will have the same one?

7. If you don't, do you think you will be getting a boyfriend/girlfriend?
i dunno, I think I freaked them all out pretty good, so i'd have to say... no.

8. Will you be having the same friends you did as the school year before?:
um... i lost a few and I expect to gain a few.

9. Where do you hang out at your school?
hallways, corners and deadends

10.Name 3 goals you would like to achieve this school year?:
be a leader
get good marks
freak out some gr 9's

11. What are your chances of achieving those goals?
ummm... 1) if I'm brave 2) if I'm smart 3) if I'm on something

12. So, what's your school mascot?:
a native dude

13. Do you think the football team will be the best this year?:
umm.. well I wish them good luck. but no.

14. Who are your school's rivals?
umm.. everyone? i dunno, maybe royal.

15. Do you know any teachers at your school well?
i did.. before they moved (shakes fist)

16. Does your school have any big football games?:

17. Will you be going to any school dances this year?:
if I get a date.

18. Do you think you'll have a crush this year?
Probably. though i can't think of who

19. Do you think anyone will have a crush on YOU?:
fsht. who would?

20. If you had the chance to tell ALL the incoming freshmen something what would it be?:
I know you think you have all of grade 9 to fool around, BUT YOU DON'T. the teachers are watching, always watching........

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