Thursday, November 23, 2006


Ah, and here are the pictures from halloween. I spent so much time on that costume, it was ridiculous. I kinda wish I got that special yarn that looks like fur though....the tail would look more natural. Anywho, I'm rather proud of the make up. This was the second draft, the first got smudged at school.

Looks like that time of year again...

Well, it's been a while since I've last posted (doubt anyone's reading so no big deal) but I have not died. I only got busy. School has been hectic 'cause we've had a lot of filming to do (mostly last minute stuff) not to mention scripts and story boards and costumes and of course, my math which I'm doing online.
If you're the sort of person who can grasp math concepts quickly, I suggest you try online math. It's really quite easy, and you don't have to waste time listening to the teacher prattle on and on about stuff you can explain in three minutes. Also, a bonus, it's not due the next day, but due at the chapter test, so you have about 2 weeks to do about 10 questions that you have to hand in. I <3 online math
Once again, halloween was not as much fun as I'd hoped. No friends to celebrate with, and all the candy I got turned out to be not so much after all. Well, at least my costume rocked my neighbours socks. Next year, new costume, big party, much candy. Any ideas anyone?
So now we've got Christmas to worry about. It seemed the day after halloween it was suddenly christmas, especially at walmart. I find it kinda frusterating they start bringing out christmas stuff so early, however, I do see the plus side. you can get your christmas shopping done early and not have to worry about it for months.
As I was typing the last paragraph a commercial came on Tv about Eragon. At first, I thought it was the movie trailer, but then it became about the video game. How come you can get the video game of a movie before the movie comes out? What is smart about that? Maybe there's something I'm missing, but I wouldn't want the movie ruined for me by a crappy video game. Maybe I'm being harsh, but come on, have you ever played a movie video game that didn't suck, especially the storyline? Stupid marketing ploys.
All for now, who knows what I'll do next. Maybe I'll get hit by a toilette seat. Stay tuned :)