Wednesday, August 02, 2006


YaY my braces came off yesterday!! And my teeth look really nice. But I also have to wear a retainer, and I didn't get any sleep last night because of it. Well, I did get some sleep, but that was because I unconsciously spat out my top retainer (the one that bugs me the most). I'm supposed to wear it 24/7 for the next 2 months!!! I don't think I can survive! I don't think it's possible to go 2 months without sleep...ah well. What bugs me the most is all the saliva, because my mouth thinks I'm eating something. I'd sure like to eat the damn thing, then I wouldn't have to wear it.

yay, they're making a second Hellboy!!! And I saw something about a TV hellboy?, I don't think it's a cartoon. Maybe they'll turn it into a Tv show!
Man, I love Abe....