Saturday, December 02, 2006

Angry *fume fume*

I am so mad at myself right now it's not even funny.
My wallet got misplaced sometime between the time I got on the bus yesterday and when I went to go for lunch today. I'm always careful when I get on the bus about my wallet, so it's more probable that someone from work stole my wallet. I left it in my jacket which I don't usually do but because today I was late, I forgot. If I had gone to grab it, one) I would know where I lost it if I lost it and two) If I didn't lose it and it was still there then it wouldn't have gotten stolen. I am so mad. I hope whoever stole it or took it freezes to death. There was no money in it, so it wasn't a poor person just trying to eat. I would forgive them instantly if they were, but they're not. I'll sic Nyx on them, she's been feeling angry lately too. Although, she's not too happy with me. She thinks I dropped it somewhere and I'm just being my unreliable self. She is not amused.

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