Monday, July 24, 2006



The movie in itself was not as great as the last one. Almost the exact same music was used and the story lacked something. But it did not lack the strange and weird, which got so strange it was funny. Yes, it was funny, but the theme all through the movie was betrayal. Everyone betrayed someone else, and in the end, betrayal killed Jack. Yes, Jack is dead. He does something noble, something very out of character, and for a reward, Elizabeth kisses him. And I mean REALLY kisses him. Not faking. Then she chains him to the black pearl which is being attacked by the kraken and runs away with the rest of the crew. Oh, and Will saw the kiss too. Betrayal everywhere!!!
And the compass, here's its secret; it will point you to what you want most on earth. Personally, I think Jack wants Elizabeth!! that's why he came back to save his crew (the noble thing I was talking about earlier). I feel so sad for Jack...... but they're going to try to get him back!!

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